RIB Geometry Export Converter

The RIB geometry export converter writes out the scene database to a RenderMan RIB v3.1 compliant ASCII file which can then be read into other programs, or more likely, be sent off to PIXAR's RenderMan renderer. The resulting RIB files are "render ready" and should require little or no hand editing.

The converter writes out a full RIB specification that can be read into a RIB compliant renderer and rendered immediately. It has been tested with PIXAR's RenderMan for Windows v1.2. The converter primarily outputs optimized indexed polygon arrays using the "PointsPolygon" primitive but will also output NURB and Bicubic patch primitives directly.

If NURB or Bicubic patches exist within the converter's internal database then these will be written to the RIB file as "NuPatch" and "PatchMesh" primitives, respectively.

Any other primitives will be written as optimized indexed polygons using the "PointsPolygon" primitive. If a polygon has holes then it will be triangulated. If vertex normals, vertex texture coordinates, vertex colors or vertex opacity values are associated with the polygons then they will be output as indexed arrays as well ("N", "st", "Cs" and "O" RIB arrays).

If, within the converter's database, multiple materials are associated with a single object then this converter will explode such objects so that each exported "PointsPolygon" RIB primitive is associated with only one material definition.